Saturday, April 18, 2009

tWiLiGhT pArTy

Anyone who was not in there should be jealous. Saturday night we had a Twilight movie night and it was a blast. Hangin out, eating junk food, and watching our Hottie McHottie. TEAM EDWARD! The funniest part was we all met up at Gloria's, sat down to watch the movie and realized no one had remembered to bring their DVD. 6 of the 7 people own a copy of the movie and no one brought it. OKOK I admit it was my fault. I told them I would bring my movie and totally spaced it. but it worked out and it was a blast!


  1. LOL movie watching party for a movie that 6 out of the 7 people own? LOL y'all are silly

  2. haha...that is funny that no one remembered to bring the movie! :)
    I am so excited for New Moon to come out!

  3. HI MEGGY!! Remeber me, it's the Mexican pizza maker. So I found your blog through Rachel's and just wanted to say howdy do. I so miss you guys and hope life is going well. Tell Shell and the rest of your family hola for me. We live fa fa away now but next time I come I would like to see you guys. Love ya.
